Never Miss a Post From Mastodon
We’re excited to announce the addition of Mastodon as a source on Digest! This feature lets you add Mastodon accounts to create a feed of new posts. We support both pasting in Mastodon account URL's to search for a particular user, or you can add .rss to the end of any Mastodon account URL and paste in the RSS feed to Digest.
From tech and science to art and social discussions, you can now customize your Digest to include the latest posts from Mastodon accounts that matter to you.
Simply add Mastodon as a source, input the Mastodon accounts that you want to receive posts from, and Digest will send daily updates with the latest posts from those Mastodon accounts.

Adding Mastodon to your Digest is straightforward. Click on the Mastodon source, paste in the URL's of the Mastodon accounts you want to receive updates from, and each day you’ll receive all of the most recent posts from those accounts to keep you in the loop. This is perfect for anyone looking to cut down on social media consumption, while still receiving updates from the users they care about.
With Digest’s new Mastodon source, keeping up with important conversations is easier than ever. Sign up today and start receiving personalized news updates right in your inbox!
- Follow Key Accounts: Stay updated on posts from your favorite Mastodon users.
- Daily Summaries: Receive a curated selection of posts every day, so you never miss out.
- Personalized Content: Choose exactly which accounts to track for a tailored experience.
- All-In-One Digest: Get Mastodon updates alongside updates from other sources like Weather, Google News, and more.